Jeff Kallman's excellent The Easy Ace: A Journal of Classic Radio
is a wonderful place to spend hours on end, rediscovering the Golden Age of Radio
as it's meant to be discovered and celebrated. Article after article
is filled with a wonderful new vignette about Golden Age Radio History.
---The Digital Deli Online.

[I]n his matchless on-this-day approach to chronicling “yesteryear,”
he easily aces out a less organized mind like mine,
which promptly lapsed into a more idiosyncratic mode of relating the past.

Monday, September 07, 2009

A Tenth Anti-Versary: The Way It Is, 7 September

We didn't exactly throw the proverbial kitchen sink into this one, ladies and gentlemen, but we did find it rather irresistible to commemorate our tenth broadcast with a little satire of anniversary programs, by way of establishing your host as the fall guy for a round of mock tributes from his station colleagues, who probably still have no idea for what they signed up when they agreed to bring him aboard in July.

From which point he and his crew slice a now-disbanded small-town police department's, ahem, desperation in fund raising . . . dice Rachael Ray in "Rachael Laser Returns" . . . and puree, with affection and respect for the longevity of the thing if perhaps nothing else, The Guiding Light, which will leave the air a week from Friday after an unprecedented 72-year life on old-time radio and longtime television, in a sketch he calls "The Groping Dark."

With Patty Price (also Meaty in "The Groping Dark"). Announcer/Rachael Laser: Siri Morgan. Writer/director: Jeff Kallman.


DUFFY'S TAVERN: ARCHIE BUYS AN ARMY SURPLUS HELICOPTER (NBC, 1950)---Archie's (Ed Gardner) shifty childhood buddy has gotten into the war surplus business, and naturally Archie's a little too eager to throw him some business. Eddie: Eddie Green. Miss Duffy: Gloria Erlanger. Finnegan: Charles Cantor. Writers: Ed Gardner, Bob Schiller.


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